Byblos Bank Headquarters, Ashrafieh, 11 August 2014: Byblos Bank has recorded the highest Tier 1 capital-to-assets ratio of all Lebanese banks for the fifth consecutive year, The Banker magazine, sister publication of the Financial Times, says in its latest “Top 1000 World Banks” issue.
Byblos Bank’s Tier 1 capital-to-assets ratio reached 7.7% as at end-2013, once again ranking ahead of all other banks in Lebanon. This ratio measures a bank’s financial strength, including its overall solidity and ability to withstand the effects of unexpected losses. Byblos Bank’s high score reflects both its leading position in the domestic market and its reputation for relying on prudent management to protect shareholder value.
Mr. Semaan Bassil, Vice-Chairman and General Manager of Byblos Bank Group, said the ranking reflected sound practice. “Conservative long-term strategies have earned us the trust of our customers, and helped us strengthen our shareholding and board composition with international financial institutions such as the International Finance Corporation (private sector arm of the World Bank Group), the Agence Française de Développement (the French government’s development agency), and its subsidiary, the Société de Promotion et Participation pour la Coopération Economique (PROPARCO).” He added: “This unique positioning among Lebanon’s banks was further reinforced by a third loan agreement recently concluded with the European Investment Bank. These expressions of confidence by prestigious institutions testify to Byblos Bank’s ability to attract strong international partners, despite the difficult local and regional environment.”
Byblos Bank’s strong financial indicators, including strong liquidity levels and one of the industry’s highest capital adequacy ratios, are the product of a well-designed strategy to provide depositors and investors with much-needed safety while sustaining profitability in the long run.
The Banker provides what is widely recognized as the world’s most authoritative coverage of the financial services industry. It compiles its annual “Top 1000 World Banks” survey from an extensive database of key indicators to identify global leaders and recognize their achievements.