BEIRUT, September 29th, 2016 – Recognizing the universal need for increased personal vitality, energy and revitalization, Pharmaton, convened a “feel good” event aimed at unveiling the latest advancements in the world of multi-vitamins and promoting mental and physical energy-boosting solutions through a dietary supplement with standardized ginseng under the slogan of ‘Live Vitally’.
Located at ‘The Villa’ in Dbayeh, health and lifestyle journalists and influencers were brought together to learn ways to improve their overall well-being. They were brought up to speed about the advanced methodologies in managing physical and mental energy, combating stress and fatigue by re-energizing their bodies that may suffer due to an insufficient supply of vitamins and minerals to the body and the importance of to the body, as it reinforces cognitive abilities, contributes to energy production in muscles, and safeguards the body’s cells.[1]
When addressing the crowd, Dietitian Sally Sawaya, Vice President of the Lebanese Association for Nutrition and Dietetics, emphasized the role that healthy nutrition and regular exercise play in energizing the body, and highlighted how current lifestyle habits, poor nutrition and insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals may itself be a factor leading to feelings of tiredness and lack of energy. “A healthy lifestyle for counteracting fatigue and boosting energy revolves around healthy nutrition and supplementing unbalanced diets with a multivitamin/mineral supplement containing a variety of micronutrients such as vitamins A, C, D and B vitamins, as well as minerals such as iron and zinc, all of which support bodily functions and aid in utilization of energy in the body. To further increase energy levels, look for natural ingredients in the multivitamin/mineral supplement, such as Ginseng, which helps improve general well-being, enhance cognitive parameters, aid in the utilization of the energy in the muscles and protect body cells against free radical damages”.[2](all the references below)
To give a dynamic boost to the gathering, Fitness Consultant Nahy Bassil engaged the audience with an energetic body weight training session which increased the attendees’ strength and amped up their energy levels. Bassil went on to explain how people should improve their quality of life through proper exercise, nutrition, and dietary supplements:
“We undoubtedly, include “having more energy” on our list of goals. With the demands of today’s hectic lifestyles, stress, few hours of quality sleep, and poor eating habits, it’s no wonder many people complain of fatigue and low energy. Add to that a slew of possible health conditions and/or medications that may cause overall weakness.”
“In today’s perpetually plugged-in, fast-paced world, personal energy is increasingly taxed and the body is in constant need of a boost! It is crucial to get key vitamins and minerals, with the right ingredients, that are increasingly important to supporting nutritional health and enhance utilization of the energy in muscles.” Bassil concluded.
[1][2]Improves cognitive parameters:
Reference 1:Kennedy DO, Scholey AB, Wesnes KA
Dose dependent changes in cognitive performance and mood following acute administration of Ginseng to healthy young volunteers. Nutr Neurosci 4,295-310(2001)
Enhances general wellbeing & Body cells protection against free radicals damages
Reference 2:Choi k
Botanical characteristics, pharmacological effects and medicinal components of Korean Panax ginseng C A Meyer.
Acta Pharmaco Sin 29(9),1109-1118(2008)
Enhanced utilization of the energy in muscles:
Reference 3;Schepdael P van
The effect of ginseng G115 on the physical performance of endurance athletes.
Les effets du Ginseng G115 sur la capacite physique de sportifs d’endurance
Acta Ther 9,337-347(1993)