n a XL Milan, shining under the fashion system’s city lights, WHITE closes the September edition with an absolute record: 26.611 visitors, +20% compared to September 2016. Italian buyers have increased by 22%, foreign buyers are at 40%. The overall number of buyers has increased by 31% (compared to the same edition of the previous year), thus con rming the key role this buyer-oriented event plays; the only one under the aegis of the Municipality of Milan and in partnership with Confartigianato Imprese.
«This edition’s numbers, achieved also thanks to the timing, extended to 4 days, make us starkly aware of what WHITE represents today and also of Milan’s potential, when there’s cooperation and a shared strategy – so Massimiliano Bizzi, Founder of WHITE – Milan is as open to fashion, as never before and WHITE has enthusiastically taken up the challenge. The two new locations in Tortona 31 and within Camera Italiana Buyer Moda, and the outstanding fashion show, have shown the active role trade-fair plays both for the Italian fashion system, and for the city».
The event kicked o with SSHEENA’s urban catwalk, which captivated the spectators who crowded Piazza Duomo. The show was organized with the support of the Ministry for Economic Development, ITA, Italian Trade Agency, Confartigianato Imprese – partner of WHITE – and under the aegis of the Municipality of Milan.
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