The weekend has arrived; just as Lebanese families finally join together to spend Sunday lunch together. But that is probably the extent of family quality time that is done on a weekly basis. Set aside Christmas, Easter and Ramdan, which are more obligatory in terms of family gatherings. Gradually, family quality time is diminishing in its traditional definition. The recent National Day of Unplugging (March 9-10) was initially created as a way of bringing families back together, due to increasing claims around technology getting in the way of relationships and familial bonding time. However, fears of technology taking over, and causing health risks are nothing new.
New technologies have always seen opposition from skeptics and traditionalists. It wasn’t long ago that TVs, PCs, video games, and the World Wide Web, were blamed for domestic shortcomings. This pattern is seen repeating itself throughout history so it is of no surprise that smart devices have gotten a hit too. Some research however, suggests that technology can be greatly beneficial to families particularly those with growing children.
No new innovation comes without a downside but, their benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks. It is suggested that, one primary benefit of unplugging from technology is the possible increase in quality family time. While this is essentially true, it seems that those advocating against smart technologies are forgetting that, given the fast paced lives we are carrying, it is products like LG’s smart technologies, that are enabling us to spend more time together, due to their time-saving elements.
Managing Director of LG Levant, Hong Ju Jeon, commented, “While traditional ways of gatherings and spending familial quality time have changed, technology actually allows for the creation of new family traditions. Modern day parents do in fact spend more time with their children. Technology has therefore created new family traditions. A father and son spending time playing video games on the LG Nano Cell TV is no less valuable than time spent playing catch in the backyard. At the end of the day, spending quality time is what matters most regardless of the means and form.”
Among the other benefits of LG’s lineup of OLED and Nano Cell TVs technologies is the experience they provide in home theatre watching. Being leaders in making cinema-quality viewing possible in the home, differentiates them from the competition with incredible image rendering. These TVs also boast wider viewing angles that allow more people to experience images at peak resolution ideal for gamers and cinephiles alike. And LG’s advanced sound bar and home audio systems reproduce beautiful textured sound across large areas. These two factors combine to make LG’s home entertainment solutions ideal for those watching with their entire family. LG has extended this philosophy to its ultrawide monitors, making it easier for parents to game with their children.
As Ramdan nights take over this month, and with so many things constantly competing for our attention, family time cannot be left up to chance. Instead, it must be thoroughly planned out. The combination of technological innovations and time-management strategies have actually resulted in more quality family time than in generations past. As counterintuitive as this sounds, it’s important to remember that today’s parents are actually making time for their families like never before. This is just one area where it will be important to dispel rumors surrounding technology’s supposedly negative impact on the family, but we will see many more.