The first Forbes event of its kind, awarded top Lebanese entrepreneurs
for their contribution to Lebanon’s economy
Beirut, August 23rd, 2018: Mrs. Claudine Aoun Roukoz, CEO and founder of Clémentine Advertising Agency, was awarded for being one of the top entrepreneurs who influenced the Lebanese business and economic scene over the last decade at the Forbes Middle East Lebanon 100 high profile event. A gala dinner was organized to celebrate the achievements of Lebanon’s most successful business leaders and influential figures whose enterprises are contributing to the growth of the local economy.
During the event that took place on August 13, 2018 at Le Royal Hotel, Forbes Middle East Editor in Chief and CEO of Arab Publisher House Mrs. Khuloud Al Omian, along with the representative of His Excellency General Michel Aoun, President of the Lebanese Republic Minister of National Defense Yaacoub El Sarraf, handed over the award to Mrs. Claudine Aoun Roukoz who said she was “very touched, proud and honored to be awarded this prestigious prize, especially as a Lebanese woman and hoped that more women will also have the chance to be awarded for their efforts and contribution to Lebanon’s economy”. She emphasized “the crucial role” that her family, and particularly her children, played in helping her climb the ladder in the business world and achieve success in her entrepreneurial career.
Mrs. Aoun Roukoz, a natural-born entrepreneur, founded ‘Clémentine’ in September 2009. Since then, the venture has steadily been growing and consolidating its leadership in the market. She succeeded in leading her initially small Ad-Agency to a group of communication companies servicing Lebanese and regional top-notch clients. Political, human rights and environmental activist, she’s also a special assistant to the President of the Lebanese Republic H.E. General Michel Aoun and Head of the National Commission for Lebanese Women where she thrives to ensure gender equality and social justice.