The Heya Show, created and presented by Hanan Skaf, consistently features special episodes showcasing Arab women who have made significant contributions in diverse fields. This program specializes in narrating women’s success stories and illuminating the intricacies of their journeys from humble beginnings. It hosts prominent figures who generously share their experiences, serving as a source of inspiration for women globally. What sets The Heya Show apart from other television programs is its unwavering support for women and its commitment to telling their stories. This is achieved through thorough research into the intricacies of their journeys and presenting their remarkable success stories within a compelling and influential framework.
Regarding the program and her vision for 2024, Hanan Skaf expresses, “My journey has been unique and inspiring. Returning to Lebanon for this program, I strongly believe that we can empower and inspire numerous women from this region. It’s time to spotlight women who have excelled globally across all sectors. Each woman I’ve had the privilege to host on the program has left a profound impact on me. They are all exceptional in their own way. Witnessing how they surmounted challenges, balanced family, sacrifices, and work to emerge as remarkable and distinguished women in society is truly inspiring. Every guest on the show reinforces my belief that nothing is insurmountable. Each woman can make a difference, but she must recognize her unique qualities and strive to showcase them.”
Reflecting on her experience in the program, she shares, “This experience has acquainted me with the remarkable capabilities and talents in Lebanon, particularly the production team at MTV. I’ve witnessed their exceptional ability to create and produce content.”
In terms of the figure she aims to interview in the coming year, Hanane expresses, “I am currently contemplating an interview with an influential Arab figure such as Princess Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. I hope to gain insight into her journey, as she has managed to shine in a region and a country where it was exceptionally challenging for her to stand out. Today, she serves as the ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United States of America, and I believe she has excelled in this role, portraying the exemplary image of Arab and Saudi women.”
When prompted for her message to women in Lebanon and the Arab world, Hanan Skaf asserts, “My message to women is straightforward: refuse to let anything hinder your path. Achieving success demands strength, determination, perseverance, and passion to propel oneself forward. Without passion, creativity cannot flourish.”
She further advises, “I urge women not to work solely for financial gain, but rather to pursue the positions they aspire to. Financial rewards will naturally follow. There is no specific age at which one can realize their ambitions; every day presents an opportunity that must be seized.”
Regarding the role that women can play in our current era, she emphasizes, “The role of women is profoundly significant, particularly when coupled with accessible resources and education.”
She elaborates, “‘The Heya Show’ transcends the realm of ordinary television programs; it serves as a platform to showcase trailblazing women, fostering opportunities and networking among them. I firmly believe that 2024 will be a bustling year for women.”
In conclusion, Skaf shares a quote by Madeleine Albright, the first female Secretary of State in America: — “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”
Watch The Heya Show every Monday at 11:15 pm, exclusively on MTV Lebanon.