Ericsson, SK Telecom and BMW Group Korea have broken a world record for 5G speeds in a follow-up to the 5G trials announced in November 2016. On a racetrack in Yeonjong-do, South Korea, a high-performance network connection supported data transmission from point-to-point from a car driving more than 160 kilometers per hour.
The three companies have been focused on high driving speeds while ensuring a stable and high performance network connection in order to provide a concrete example of seamless mobility.
The test network consisted of four radio transmission points operating in the 28GHz band at BMW Group Korea’s driving center. Under this setup, test results achieved driving speeds of 170 Km/h while reaching downlink data speeds of 3.6 Gbps. The tests also showed sustained high throughput along the driving track, in particular maintaining throughput in excess of 1.5 Gbps while data transmission was switched from one transmission point to another.
This world record breaking performance was enabled by advanced beamforming and beam tracking which allows the base station to transmit signals that follow the 5G device. Based on this advanced 5G technology from Ericsson, precise tracking was enabled even at very high speeds which opens the door for new 5G services.
Ericsson and partners will continue various 5G trials including 5G network end-to-end with leading operators and ecosystem players to accelerate 5G realization.