Beirut, April 4 2017: GlobeMed Lebanon, the leading Third Party Administration (TPA) Company in Lebanon, has been granted a contract with Electricité du Liban (EDL), entrusting the company with managing the healthcare benefits of EDL’s 9,000-person portfolio – employees and their families – as of March 2017.
Despite the strong competition, GlobeMed Lebanon was selected based on its long years of experience in the management of healthcare benefits for insurance companies, self-funded schemes and large employers’ groups, particularly in the public sector, and its innovative services tailored to meet the needs of the insured members with utmost effectiveness. For this purpose, a specialized office will be run by GlobeMed within EDL’s premises to facilitate all required transactions. Also, and for the first time, EDL employees and their family members will benefit from GlobeMed Lebanon’s wide pharmacy network allowing them to get their medications on a direct basis settlement (cash-free).
Commenting on this new partnership, General Manager of GlobeMed Lebanon Mr. Walid Hallassou said, “We are absolutely honored to be partnering with an institution of EDL’s size and importance, and retain full confidence in this partnership’s success. GlobeMed Lebanon will put 26 years of experience and its innovative services and solutions at the disposal of this institution and its employees’. Utilizing our state-of- the- art technologies, designed to facilitate the whole claims’ cycle, we guarantee providing EDL’s insured members with easy access to health services free from any complications.
GlobeMed Lebanon provides 23 field offices, located at major hospitals, to better serve the insured patients and enhance their experiences. The company also dedicates a 24/7 call center staffed with a professional customer service team ready to answer members’ queries related to health insurance coverage, health information or medical advice. The company also provides its insured members with access to a large network of pharmacies. These services fall under GlobeMed Lebanon’s mission and vision to promote health and wellness awareness in Lebanon.
GlobeMed Lebanon has already established multiple collaborations with Lebanon’s public sector, including the Ministry of Public Health, the Internal Security Forces, the Municipality of Saïda and Banque Du Liban.