Beirut, 28 July 2016: touch, the leading mobile telecommunications and data operator in Lebanon, managed by Zain Group, has been determined to support the summer camp organized by the Sisters of charity at St. Vincent Monastery in Brumana, which attracts a number of children living in difficult conditions. The purpose is not only to entertain but also to contribute to educating and sensitizing them. In fact, this initiative and participation comes as part of the company’s corporate social responsibility program “Positive touch”, which ultimately aims to achieve positive change in the Lebanese society.
A number of touch’s employees volunteered and joined the children of the camp in many recreational and educational activities. This initiative reflects the company’s commitment to the local community and its determination to contribute to its development, supporting its causes and disseminating a sense of culture among its children, the generation of the future. This goes alongside the deployment of the concept of corporate social responsibility among employees by encouraging them to constantly volunteer and to carry out their normal duties towards the betterment of the society.
The summer camp received more than 100 children, between the ages of 5 to 15, who live in difficult conditions. And the camp lasted from the 1st till the 17th of July, including several cultural and educational activities in addition to games and entertaining trips.