Beirut – Lebanon on October 17, 2016: Alfa, managed by Orascom Telecom, launched the second phase of its campaign in support of apple farmers, entitled “A Apples Box for each Team Member”. As part of this internal campaign, apples were distributed to the entire company staff, in the presence of CEO and Chairman Marwan Hayek and the administrative body. In total, 1200 crates containing twelve tons of apples purchased directly from Lebanese farmers were distributed.
After receiving his box of apples, Hayek commented, “We launched last week the first phase of our support project to Lebanese farmers in all branches of Alfa Store, where apples were distributed to customers in our nine points of sale. The second phase of the project is now launched within the company, to reaffirm our support to Lebanese produce”. He added, “Alfa was and will remain a socially responsible company supporting all issues of concern to Lebanese citizens”.