100% Liban with Dr. Ziad Hayek organized a zoom conference entitled: Governance—a priority in the reforms.
In this panel, Dr. Ziad Hayek, gave an opening speech, followed byan intervention of the economic and risks strategist Dr.Mohammad Fheili as well as the minister Dr. Salim Sayegh, Dr.Abdel Majid Awad (MP Achraf Rifi representative), Mr. Kamel Doumiaty (MP Fouad Makhzoumi representative), Mr. Pierre Younes (MP Camille Chamoun representative), Dr. Amin Iskandar (MP Melhem Riachi representative), Judge Peter Germanos, Dr. Nassib Ghobril (Head of economic research and analysis at Byblos Bank),Mr. Assaad Maroun (voice of Lebanon general director).An assembly of deputies, economists, entrepreneurs, journalists and members of 100% Liban participated as well in this panel.
The session was moderated by Mrs. Pamela Ibrahim El Kosseifi (general coordinator of 100% Liban).
The economic expert, Dr. Ziad Hayek indicated in his lecture that we need to establish reforms at the governance level. He talked about the economy and the defense strategy. Hayek thought that we need to review the Lebanese constitution to elaborate a social contract between the components of the Lebanese people and the state.
He said that administrative decentralization is required, but it is not sufficient, we need a real change to resolve outstanding political and economic issues as well.
A follow up committee will be established by 100% Liban to monitor parliamentary actions as well to develop ideas and a constructive economic plan.