Domaine de Bargylus, the wineestateof the Johnny R. SaadéFamilywassubject to a special full page report published in LE FIGARO MAGAZINE, the french international leading magazine, May 2014 issue.
The story highlighted the resilience of bothwinemakers Karim and Sandro Saadéto maintain the production of Domaine de Bargylus, theirestatelocated in Jebel Al Ansariyeh on the outskirts of the portcity of Latakia, Syria although the currentcircumstancesforcedboth to stop visiting the vineyardthreeyearsago.
The site has not been visited by neitheritsownersnorits french consultant Stephane Derenoncourt whoall used to followclosely the production process and visit the estate on regular basis. Alternativesolutions weretherefore set such as sendingsample for analysis in Lebanon, sendinggrapesin refrigerated boxes by taxis fromLattakia to Beirutto betterassessthe best date to startharvesting etc.
Also, Le Figaro Magazine commented on the high risks of producing in Syria whennothingiseasy : therewas a clash just a few hundredmetersawaywhichleftbulletholes in the winery and few weeksago, threebombsfellin the chardonnay parcelwithoutgenerating more thanmateriallosses.