Beirut, Lebanon – October 2017: Skoun, Lebanese Addictions Center has partnered with Rafik Hariri University Hospital, the National Mental Health Programme at the Ministry of Public Health, Medecins du Monde, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, to establish a community mental health services, psychiatric unit, and an outpatient substance use treatment center.
The inauguration of the new Skoun Addiction Treatment Center will be taking place on November 7th at RHUH at 10:00am in the presence of Dr. Walid Ammar, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Public Health and Dr. Firas Abiad, Chairman of the Board at Rafik Hariri University Hospital as well as other national stakeholders, and Skoun supporters.
Skoun, Lebanese Addictions Center will be providing addiction and substance use treatment services including individual and group therapy, psychiatric follow up, opiate substitution therapy, social services, legal aid, and family support.
“This initiative is in line with the National Mental Health and Substance Use Strategy spear headed by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health and signifies the ministry’s commitment to making mental health and substance use a national health priority,” stated Nadya Mikdashi, Skoun Executive Director and Co-Founder.
Through this strategic partnership, the clinic will be able to increase its ability to offer support services to the hundreds of Lebanese men and women who struggle with addiction problems.