After his huge success playing the leading role of Jesus Christ in the french musical “Jesus de Nazareth à Jerusalem”, Mike Massy’s photos make their come back to the Parisian streets revealing a new project.
A new publication: a mook (a combination of a magazine and book) will see the light end of November having Mike Massy’s photo on the cover. This mook’s name and subject is “Jesus” tackled from different aspects and sides, with a spot on the success of the french musical.
Many french celebrities got together for this special edition among which the guest editor in chief Pascal Obispo, the french renowned chef Frederic Lenoir, tennis player Mary Pierce.
Massy announced on his social media accounts that he is thrilled to be part of this big project, revealing that the mook will be released in 60,000 copies and will be available in all kiosque and press stands all over France.
Mike Massy’s upcoming activities include a brief visit to Lebanon for a Christmas concert at Maghdouché Cathedral on the 18th of December.