LGB BANK sponsored “Mumbai Secrets”, an event organized and hosted by Sagesse University’s second year students at the Faculty of Hospitality and Management. The exotic event took place on campus at Le Gastronomique Restaurant in Ashrafieh.
The dinner, which was attended by the university’s administration and other personalities, serves as an exercise in accordance with the faculty’s curriculum in order to test the students’ managerial competencies when it comes to organizing events.
The students achieved a great outcome in portraying the Indian culture in all its aspects, from the decoration and designs to the food that was meticulously prepared. To say the least, “Mumbai’s Secrets” were perfectly embodied in all the details of the whole dining experience.
On this occasion, Vice Chairman and CEO of LGB BANK, Samer Itani, emphasized on the Bank’s solid support to student projects, where he said: “We are after the success of such projects that give young students a leg-up into the labor market and help them form a clear vision of what they want to be in the future and how they will be able to achieve it.”