In the framework of the European Union-funded project “Promotion of Social Dialogue in Lebanon”, the Ministry of Labour in cooperation with the Economic and Social Council of Lebanon (ECOSOC) is conducting a series of training workshops for Tripartite Social Partners from the public and private sector.
On Wednesday March 15th, a workshop under the title “Plan and conduct successful meetings”, held at ECOSOC premises, was attended by around 15 representatives from the Ministry of Labour, ECOSOC, Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI), Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (FCCIAL), National Employment Office (NEO), General Confederation of Lebanese Workers (CGTL) and Lebanese Development Network (LDN).
Samir Naimeh, Head of the Presidency Cabinet at ECOSOC, said “We are glad to host this training within the premises of ECOSOC as the council is a space for encounters and dialogue between the private and the public sectors as well as the civil society that will hopefully lead to a development program based on values of balance and integration.”
The objective of this training was to give the participants the ability to plan and conduct effective meetings. They learned to identify the roles of meeting leaders and participants, and how to document results of meeting and control the agreements.
Hiba, a participant from the Association of Lebanese Industrialists said “The trainings undertaken within this project are important to the Association as it helps to develop our skills which in turn will allow us to positively impact the Lebanese Society.”
The training will also be organised on Wednesday March 22nd for a second group of representatives from the tripartite social partners.
The topic of this training is part of the first training module that was launched in February 2017 and will run until April 2017. The trainings will address several topics aiming at enhancing the capacity of the Government of Lebanon and the Lebanese Social Partners including Civil Society to be promoters of a genuine Social Dialogue. The trainings provided under the “Promotion of Social Dialogue” in Lebanon will create a positive environment that allows networking among the social partners and fosters a sustainable social dialogue.