Following the success of Rotary’s project “Securing Clean Water in Lebanese Public Schools,” Rotary’s worldwide President-elect Ian Riseley selected Lebanon to host the “Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Presidential Peace-building Conference” on February 16 & 17, 2018.
Under the auspices of the President of the Lebanese Republic General Michel Aoun, the official opening ceremony of the conference will be held at the Phoenicia Hotel – Beirut- on Friday, February 16, 2018 in the evening, and the conference program is due to start on Saturday, February 17, 2018.
Among the dignitaries attending and participating in the conference is HE Mr. Amr Moussa, former Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, who will highlight important water-related issues in the Arab World, as well as International Rotary President Mr. Ian Riseley, Rotary Foundation Chair Mr. Paul Netzel, and the Governor of Rotary District 2452 Mrs. Christina Covotsou Patroclou, as well as a great number of Rotarians, Ambassadors, International & National NGOs, universities, institutes and researchers.
The conference will offer a platform for the exchange of ideas and expertise on the importance of water and its implications on civil and world peace. It also focuses on the issue of water in Lebanon and the region and addresses the impact of water-related problems on the economy in this area of the world.
The lecturers participating in the conference are specialists in this field and will share their expertise on the matter.
This conference comes as a continuation to and in support of the “Securing Clean Water in Lebanese Public Schools” project that was launched years ago and covered all areas in Lebanon aimed at reinstating the right of every child to consume and use clean and potable water.
The conference will include a workshop and training sessions for teachers and managers on building awareness about the importance of clean water consumption, rationalization of water use, hygiene counseling and its importance at all times, and on maintenance of water filtration equipment provided to ensure its continued effectiveness.
District 2452 is made up of nine countries: Lebanon, Cyprus, Bahrain, Jordan, Sudan, Palestine, Armenia and Georgia, United Arab of Emirates. More than 600 officials & Rotarians will be participating in this major international and unique event in the Middle East that will also include a number of renowned and influential speakers and panelists from all over the world.