The increase in the number of calls reporting domestic violence weighs on the conscience of the Members of Parliament, who are urged to approve the amendments to the Law on ‘’Protection of Women and Family Members from Domestic Violence”.
According to official figures issued by the Internal Security Forces concerning calls received on the national domestic violence hotline 1745, the number of calls has progressively increased in the past five months, showing a rise of 111.84 % from May to January 2020.
Such an increase has also been noticed in the number of calls received from children on the hotline 1745, representing 5.96% of the total number of calls in April, and 11.18% of those in May. The urgent intervention of concerned authorities is required to control the increase in domestic violence.
Moreover, the National Commission for Lebanese Women highlights the fact that survivors of violence do not usually seek help through the hotline 1745 unless the violence exerted on them has reached advanced stages that require the immediate intervention of the security forces to ensure the protection of the victim and her children. Accordingly, the National Commission calls once again for updating Lebanese laws to address our alarming social reality, and hopes that the increase of domestic violence would urge MPs to pass the amendments to the Law on “Protection of Women and Family Members from Domestic Violence”.