Funded by the Government of Canada through the Lebanon Recovery Fund, and as part of the Joint United Nations Productive Sectors Development Programme (PSDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization concluded today a project that positively impacted over 406 male and female farmers in North Lebanon and Akkar.
During the project’s culmination, FAO facilitated the gathering of farmers, presenting 65 of them with Integrated Crop Management Certificates and four farmers with Organic Agriculture Certificates tailored for fruits and vegetable value chains. These certifications comply with European Union specifications, empowering these farmers to access markets and sell their certified safe products.
Farmers expressed their satisfaction with this project, citing benefits such as technical training and distribution of inputs. They also emphasized FAO’s support in sustaining them through the financial crisis of the past two years, empowering e them to apply good agricultural practices (GAP), thereby improving the quality of their production and enhancing their production skills.
Under the PSDP, FAO has bolstered the productive skills of 406 farmers from North Lebanon and Akkar. These farmers attended awareness sessions and received technical training on GAP and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practices through farmers field schools (FFS). A total of 14 FFS were conducted in the North of Lebanon and Akkar, providing farmers with agricultural inputs necessary to implement these practices.
The Productive Sectors Development Programme is a joint UN project implemented by UNIDO, FAO, UNWomen, ILO, UNICEF and UNDP, with funding from the Government of Canada. The programme’s objective is to create employment opportunities and economically empower women and youth in disadvantaged areas.