LAU Medical Centers Rizk Hospital and Saint John’s Hospital, reaffirmed their support to the Beirut Marathon by being the official and exclusive medical partners
The race was held under the slogan “I Am Beirut” and the aim of LAU Medical Centers was to spread a message of hope and support to the Lebanese community, while healing with compassion.
As the official and exclusive medical partner, the LAU Medical Centers teams were present in three different medical checkpoints to assist and aid runners’ injuries:
- The mobile clinic and 2 tents were located at the start / finish line,
- One tent was set up in Burj Hamoud area
- A tent was located in Dbayeh.
The LAU Medical Centers team on the ground was supported by Mr. Sami Rizk – CEO of the LAU
Medical Center- Rizk Hospital, Mr. Saad El Zein – Assistant to the President for special projects,
Dr. Sola Bahous Dean of Gilbert and Rose Marie Chaghoury School of medicine and Dr. Rashid Rahme Chief of section, Emergency Medicine
The team was composed of physicians, dedicated physiotherapists, seniors residents,
dedicated registered nurses, logistics officers, practical nurses, pharmacists, staff members
as well as standby registered nurses available in from of the tents ready for intervention if needed.
Overall, 10% of the LAU Medical Centers personnel were mobilized as healthcare providers and 55 runners partook in the race.
60 patients endured minor injuries and were promptly treated by the on-ground ER team lead by Dr. Rachid Rahme.
They spread the message hope, unity and togetherness in a broader spectrum under the race’s slogan: I am Beirut and re-affirmed their mission of healing with compassion.