Beirut, March 21, 2021:
Achieving faster herd immunity as its mission in the current phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur launches its vaccination campaign on March 29th in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
The preparedness for the launching was tasked in line with the MoPH guidelines in terms of site logistics, vaccine storage and administration, as well as a special formation of the medical and nursing team.
The vaccination site includes a comfortable waiting area, a registration desk, four vaccination points, and four observation areas where the vaccinated person spends around fifteen minutes to check for any potential side effects before leaving.
Currently, the vaccine administered on-site is produced by AstraZeneca, although other types could be added at any time if they become available. The HSC vaccination center will be operating from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm during weekdays with exceptions for corporate groups on Saturdays. The vaccination appointments will be scheduled based on the individual’s pre-registration on the impact platform of the MoPH.
Until the vast majority of the population has been vaccinated, adherence to all the preventive measures that we know – wearing a mask, maintaining physical distancing, and washing hands – remains essential to stop the spread of COVID-19.
About “Sacré-Coeur” Hospital:
The Sacred Heart Hospital was founded by the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in 1848 as a result of a serving spirit and in response to the needs of the underprivileged communities at that time.
As the first recognized hospital in Lebanon, the Sacred Heart Hospital provides high-quality multidisciplinary medical and nursing care; and responds efficiently to the patients’ needs without any discrimination and regardless of their background, ethnicity, or religion.