Keeping your home clean and disinfected will prevent the spread of coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization have emphasized that both washing one’s hands and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily are key in preventing Covid-19’s spread. Therefore, it is recommended to clean with soap and water and disinfect with household disinfectants containing at least 65% alcohol. here’s how to clean and disinfect your home:
- High Touch Surfaces:
- Clean and disinfect all high touch surfaces such as doorknobs, handles, Light switches, drawers, refrigerator and microwave doors, coffee machine, door, windows, toys, electronic devices, TV remote, dining tables, etc.
- kitchen:
- Clean the fridge, microwave, food platforms, vegetable drawers, and all metal and silverware used in the kitchen.
- Throw grocery bags right away and wash your hands. To reuse them, soak them in soapy water and dry them in the sun.
- Empty the kitchen trash daily.
- Bathroom:
- Clean the taps, toilet seat, handles, knobs, and the washroom.
- Use clean towels and put them out to dry as the virus lives longer on wet surfaces.
- Empty the bathroom trash daily
- Bedroom
- Clean side tables, curtains, and television
- Change bed linens frequently
- Laundry
- Wash clothes, worn outside the house, immediately
- Use disposable gloves to collect the laundry in case you suspect the presence of the virus
- Wash laundry in lukewarm water and always add disinfectant in your washing machine
- Disinfect your washing machine once empty with just hot water, detergent and disinfectant to prevent the growth of germs, and always dry it up after use.
- Accessories
- Sanitize your watch, jewelry, phone, shoes, etc. before and after wearing or using them.