Beirut, May 11, 2016 – In line with its strategy to support youth in their educational and career paths, Bankmed concluded its first Online Trading University Competition in a special ceremony held at its headquarters in Clemenceau on May 10, 2016. The ceremony, gathered a number of university professors and administrators from two participating universities, the American University of Beirut (AUB) and the Lebanese American University (LAU), alongside the Bank’s executives, who recognized the winners of this competition.
The event commenced with a welcome note by Mr. Mohammed Hariri, Bankmed’s Chairman of the Board and General Manager, who congratulated the winners on their achievement. Mr. Hariri stated that the winners’ success reflects the joint efforts exerted by both, Bankmed and their universities, in their aim to create a well-cultured community capable of addressing challenges in a smart and professional way.
The Online Trading Competition was organized by Bankmed’s Treasury and Talent Management and Training units, who had set up Bankmed Online Trading Platform targeting Business, Finance, and Economics majors in both universities. Through this platform, students had access to financial markets and participated in an online trading competition, extending from February 15 until March 15, 2016. The program accommodated for 30 students from each university.
Prior to the competition, students were invited for a six-hour training on the trading platform. Later, during the competition, they were introduced to modern financial instruments and were provided with a demo account to trade in Foreign Exchange, Spot, Forwards, and Options.
As part of the grading criteria, the students had been asked to present their deliverables in front of a group of judges from university professors and Bankmed executives.
The ceremony was concluded with the distribution of awards to the distinguished students. In addition to the financial awards that the winners received, the first winner in each university was also granted an internship opportunity at Bankmed’s Treasury unit.
Based on the success of its first Online Trading Competition, Bankmed will expand the scope of this competition to include more universities in the future.