On Friday 15th of September at 18:30 in the gardens of ESA, Clemenceau Street, ESA Business School organized a graduation ceremony for the students of the “Cerle des Dirigeants”, Doctorate in Business Administration, Executive MBA, MBA, Master in Marketing, Master in Management, Master in Healthcare Management and Executive Master in Financial Management.
Students received their diplomas by Mr. Bruno Foucher, French Ambassador to Lebanon, Dr. Saad Andary, Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Mr. Jean-Paul VERMES, delegated Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France and Mr. Stephan ATTALI, General Director of ESA.
All graduates received two diplomas: the ESA diploma and the equivalent diploma of ESA partners such as ESCP Europe, to which ESA is affiliated, SDA Bocconi, School of Management, Paris Diderot University, etc. Such partnerships with the leading European management schools guarantee a label of quality of ESA’s academic programs and allow international recognition of its degrees.
The ceremony was followed by a cocktail at the Villa Rose bringing together graduates with their families, friends and ESA partners.