Beirut Design Week (BDW2018) returns for its seventh edition themed “Design and the City: . Designers are invited alongside activists, writers, educators, and students to consider design’s transformative role in every aspect of life in the city, from public spaces to the smallest detail in the interior of our homes, o ices and places of recreation.
“Design and the City:proposes to ask
the wide spectrum of the creative industry to collaborate with activists, environmentalists, artisans, entrepreneurs, agriculturalists and food experts, technology consultants and researchers to present cross-disciplinary initiatives that demonstrate how design can contribute to social change through good governance, social inclusion and environmental justice. Drawing inspiration from local grass-roots movements, the festival o ers a community-led platform for inclusive, experimental models for the urban experience. A series of themes showcases objects, tools, vocabularies and processes that help create new itineraries for the everyday practice of place-making and reclaims the right to the city as a structured system of shared beliefs and values, of tolerance, inclusiveness and openness.
Design & the City: Social Change
How can architecture, furniture design or jewellery design collaborate with social work to play a transformative role in the city?
Design & the City: Environment
How can a fashion designer or a documentary maker engage with nature and make us rethink our rapport with our environment?
Design & the City: Fair-Use
How can the food and beverage industry adopt a design-thinking approach that extends from the sourcing of ingredients to the production of goods, a ecting local economies and contributing to the city’s environmental ecosystem?
Design & the City: Governance
How can architects, urbanists and planners in uence state policies related to the reconstruction of a post- war city, and share lessons learned with neighbouring destroyed cities?