Socking Clumsy announced the launch of “HEAL” competition at Collège Mariste Champville, in partnership with Champville Alumni.
The competition supports the mission of the “Socking Clumsy” brand in raising awareness about the Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease that founder Charbel Gemayel (Promo 2002) was diagnosed with at the age of 35. CMT is a chronic long-term hidden disability that damages the peripheral nerves (mostly in the hands and feet). At the same time, “HEAL” will contribute to the funding of yearly tuition for a Champville student during any given scholar year starting today.
The students of Collège Mariste Champville were invited to participate in the competition by submitting their drawings of socks’ designs inspired by the word “heal”. On December 9, 2022, a jury will announce the top designs, and Socking Clumsy will produce and sell the top 5 designs, with a percentage of the sales going into a tuition fund at Champville Alumni.
Together we spread hope and optimism.
“Socking Clumsy” Official Website:
“Champville Alumni” Official Website:
“Collège Mariste Champville” Official Website: