The story behind ambitious people who refuse to surrender from Beirut to Cairo.
In times of crisis and economic depression and regression, a Lebanese initiative comes to light bringing hope to many small businesses and initiatives providing them a chance, a leap of hope, an opportunity to find hope.
“Villa FELT” is the simple idea of a Lebanese home away from home that gathers various Lebanese talents and service providers working in food and beverages, coffee industry, jewelry, fashion, art, books and accessories… all under one roof.
It is a piece of Lebanon that triggers any guest’s 5 senses to feel Lebanon as if he / she visited in real life Lebanon.
Why Cairo?
The idea to do this Villa in Cairo is old.
The latest turnouts of events and situation accelerated the process and need to find new horizons, it is also the result of the culture and closeness of the two people where the Lebanese and the Egyptians share same values, sense of humor and love to explore and excel.
“Egypt is a country of big organic potential with a huge population who love and look highly to Lebanese talents and tastes, the common ground we have with this nation is big and the opportunities after the political stability helped investors notice that”. Villa Felt organizers add.
Today, four young ambitious Lebanese partners joined hands to do this in Cairo and expand their expertise with a potential horizon to grow the concept out of Cairo and regionally as Piece of Lebanon anywhere. Uniting various Lebanese talents and companies who believed in this project from early talks from fashion designers to jewelers, beauty names and F&B success stories are part of it now.
Names like Cherine Khadra, Amer Ejjeh, Cynthia Bouchakjian, Georges El Mendelek, Mario Haddad, Sami Hochar and many more joined the Villa and looking forward to show Egypt and the world the real meaning of Lebanese success.
This piece of lebanon shows how much we are attached to and rooted in our Lebanese identity believing in our capabilities to grow despite all challenges and frustration our country is living, still we find ourselves a window to look through and even help others look as well, for sure it will help expose and at least prepare the grounds for a better future coming no doubt. It’s not an expo, it’s a permanent Home to more than 25 Lebanese talents and yes we will have Lebanese expats working in with of course Egyptian colleagues.
Villa Felt organizers believe that promoting Lebanese work is important due to first of all the admiration our fellow Arab countries have towards it and the high demand for owning it. They add:
“We can’t ask our country or government to support such projects, this is privately created and always such concepts are initiated by ambitious citizens however we ask our country and delegates to be able to stand again and correct our wellbeing for a better shelter on our way back because at the end we our base is lebanon and these bridges strengthen our roots. We are putting all efforts to launch in December 2021 and this opening tells a loud message to any capable person out there to go on, pull off opportunity amidst all shutdowns, and believe in the power of dreaming that one day you can make it happen”.