At the 76th Annual Cannes Film Festival, a glamorous congregation of prominent figures descended upon its illustrious red carpet in Maison Rami Kadi gowns, embarking on an international cinematic journey. This star-studded event, spanning from May 16 to the 27th, became a playground for renowned fashion houses to showcase their finest designs, with Rami Kadi Maison de Couture captivating attendees with a series of modern couture creations.
Throughout the festival, Rami Kadi continued to solidify their reputation as a prolific designer at Cannes. This year’s edition witnessed a captivating display of the Maison’s artistry as they dressed an array of Arab and international public figures. Drawing from custom-designed and previous collection gowns, as well as previous seasons’ collections, Rami Kadi adorned celebrities and influencers with their impeccable designs.
Moreover, the Maison also crafted custom-made creations that made their debut on the prestigious Cannes red carpet. Rami Kadi Maison de Couture’s presence at the Cannes Film Festival 2023 left an indelible mark, with their designs adorning esteemed celebrities and enchanting the fashion-conscious audience.