For the past three weeks, our world has been diving in a heavy silence, punctuated by the deafening howls of ambulance sirens and curfews. Humanity, powerless, is confined. What will be the duration and the cost of this lockdown? What will be the outcome? How life will look like after claustration? Waiting for answers to the many questions raised by the pandemic, our concepts of time, freedom and hope seem to elude us, giving way to precarity. Managing precarity, however, is the daily exercise of these beings thrown on the roads of the world, locked down in camps, called refugees and migrants. In this period of general lockdown and reflection, You are invited to visit the online exhibition Refugee Camps in Lebanon, the Unsustainable Precarity Houda Kassatly Photographs From April 14 to May 23, 2020 on the site and to follow the debates to be held online through the gallery’s website and social media pages. © Houda Kassatly – Alice Mogabgab Gallery – Borj el Barajneh, 2012 This exhibition, originally planned in the Beirut gallery and as part of the year dedicated to Lebanese artist Houda Kassatly, presents a set of 100 photographs taken between 2012 and 2019 in Palestinian refugees’ camps, in Borj el Brajneh (near Beirut) and in Nahr el Bared (near Tripoli) and Syrian migrants’ camps in the Bekaa. Through landscapes, interior scenes, still lives and portraits, the exhibition tackles the major themes of refugees’ life: architecture, daily activities, identity and future. Houda Kassatly denounces the infamous, questions consciences while magnifying the human. |
Online exhibition “Refugee Camps in Lebanon, the Unsustainable Precarity” by Houda Kassatly – from April 14 to May 23 | Alice Mogabgab Gallery
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