24 February 2016 – After a successful debut at Dubai Lynx 2015, Arabic Day this year progresses to a full three day programme on the new Regional Stage. With two days of talks in Arabic, including simultaneous translation into English, and one day in English, the stage plays host to a wide breadth of content from around the MENA region.
Often referred to as the “world’s crossroads”, the region’s cultural influences are diverse and steeped in a rich heritage. Reflecting this, the seminars, ranging from countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, focus on the creative thinking pushing the boundaries and explore what the future holds for the region.
Shining a spotlight on breakthrough ideas coming from MENA, the team behind Zee3 Mawhbtak focus on how the online show uncovered hidden musical talent from Egypt’s developing communities in the form of a travelling singing booth. While, Alaa Yoosef takes a further dive into digital entertainment in the region and shares how Temsa7, a Saudi YouTube alligator sensation, has led to an upsurge in popularity for unconventional cultural storytelling. His Telfaz11 community has had an impact on influencing social trends along with evolving the online video entertainment scene within the country.
In Dentsu Aegis Network’s session, Benham Karami of Carat – ICA takes to the stage to explore the opportunities for new players in the Iranian market. As the second largest economy in the Middle East, the country is beginning to see huge changes in consumption, led by tech savvy and well-educated consumers after lifting sanctions. While, in a highly competitive Afghanistan market, Tonic Communications and Roshan Telecom examine how pursuing excellence in innovation and creativity along with a social goal catapulted them to number one.
The full line-up can be found online at www.dubailynx.com along with details of how to register and attend. Content at Dubai Lynx will take place across three days from 6-8 March 2016, finishing with the Dubai Lynx Awards Ceremony on 9 March.