BLOM BANK s.a.l. Head office- Beirut, June 20, 2016:
The Virtual Stock Exchange competition from BLOMINVEST BANK pursues its expansion to land in the Faculty of Economic Sciences at Saint Joseph University. In fact, BLOMINVEST BANKS sponsored the Virtual Stock Exchange competition at Saint Joseph University organized by the Student Society and Head of Finance Department Mrs. Amal Chahine.
BLOMINVEST BANK aims through this initiative at matching knowledge with experience and theory with practice in the stock exchange field and developing the human capital especially at the level of transactions and revealing hidden talents.
For three months, students from Saint Joseph University took part in a simulated Stock Exchange competition where they managed portfolios and competed against each other.
The first three winners, Messrs. Kevin Saliba, Victor Karam and Omar omeich, were chosen by a joint panel from Saint Joseph University and BLOMINVEST BANK executives headed by Dr. Fadi Osseiran. The winners received prizes valued up to $5,000 in terms of BLOM prepaid cards as well as the opportunity to pursue an internship at BLOMINVEST BANK.
In his speech Fr. Salim Daccache, Saint Joseph University dean, underlined that the aim of this competition is helping the students to excel in the stock exchange field and apply acquired knowledge. Fr. Daccache said that “this excellency opens wide professional horizons to the students. For example, half of the alumnus assembled in an association in London, graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences.”
For his part Dr. Osseiran declared that “this affiliation with Saint Joseph University aims at contributing to the promotion of application based experience in taught finance curriculums and promote their sustainability for the coming generations.” Dr. Osseiran added that “this competition provided with required skills to replicate it at the national level and widen the scope of participation across diverse academic institutions.”