Banque Libano-Française (BLF) hosted, in partnership with the “Economic and Capital Markets Research Center” (ECMRC) of the University of Balamand, a conference on “The World Economic situation in the United States, the Euro Zone, the United Kingdom, Japan and the Emerging Markets”.
Clients, business journalists and BLF employees attended the conference that took place on Thursday, February 25th, 2016 at “The Floor”, a state of the art premises gathering BLF Capital Markets, Treasury and Private Banking teams, as well as the Dealing Room and Libano-Française Finance (LFF).
After an introduction by Jamil Koudim, Portfolio Manager and Head of the Fixed Income Department at BLF, Father Paul Douaihy, Director of the ECMRC, shed light on the world economic situation, referring to the “major uncertainty surrounding economic and financial markets, and the absence of actual signs of recovery in the world economy”.
In 2007, BLF and the ECMRC had signed a cooperation agreement whereby the Bank finances the Center’s financial market research, analyses and studies. On the other hand, the Center initiates students on economy and capital markets and issues daily, weekly and monthly economic reports.