Azadea Foundation pulls internal efforts to transform the living habits of its workforce
Beirut, Lebanon – February 16, 2016: A firm believer that change starts from within, Azadea Foundation has taken effective strides in creating and maintaining an eco-friendly culture that has resulted in over 1000 of its employees embracing a green lifestyle by the end of January 2016. Cultivating the spirit of being environmentally responsible, Azadea Foundation reinforced its green culture by starting a mass recycling initiative across all 90 of Azadea Group’s stores in Lebanon.
In cooperation with Zero Waste Act in Beirut and North Lebanon, and NTCCC in Saida, now over 1000 Azadea employees sort paper and plastic waste on daily basis. This recycling initiative also covers the René Mouawad, Sanayeh Garden, which was renovated by Azadea Foundation, and is to be maintained by the Foundation for a period of 10 years.
Azadea Foundation’s recycling initiative came as a cherry on top of a series of internal activities that serve its missions of spreading environmental awareness, creating sustainable, behavioral, change and encouraging employees to be actively involved in preserving the environment. To boost the Foundation’s efforts in maintaining a green culture, “The Green Challenge” was created as an internal incentive program that awards employees who conduct the highest number of eco-activities within a long time-period. Within the first two rounds, the Challenge lured over 300 employees who recycled, volunteered, reduced energy consumption, and performed green activities at home.
Moreover, Azadea Foundation provides Azadea Group’s employees with the opportunity to take part in the Foundation’s decision-making body, the Azadea Foundation Committee acting as an advisory council to the set activities.
In the words of Azadea Foundation’s Chairman, Marwan Moukarzel, “at Azadea Foundation, we believe in fostering an internal environmentally-friendly culture, that aims at creating a ripple effect within the society. That is why, in the last year, we have captured every chance to provide platforms for our employees to be actively involved in community service leading to an intrinsic environmentally friendly attitude, a core element for Azadea’s structure”