- Purchasing 35 tons of local foodstuff from Lebanese producers
- Purchasing 2 cubic meters of medicine
- Supporting 14 Lebanese NGOs, Orphanages and dispensaries across the country With Lebanon going through a period of intense economic and social challenges, CMA CGM Group, a global leader in shipping and logistics, has mobilized its resources to launch the “CMA CGM SUPPORTS LEBANON” operation, which aims to provide aid to vulnerable families, and give back to those who are most in need during this time of year. This social initiative will help boost Lebanon’s economy as the Group has decided to order all of the foodstuff from local producers, which will be donated with the support of CEVA Logistics (affiliated to CMA CGM Group) to NGOs and orphanages benefiting from this operation. In addition, the Group will supply dispensaries with the needed medication. At the launching at CMA CGM headquarters in Beirut, the Group welcomed representatives from selected NGOs, dispensaries and orphanages benefiting from this operation:
- S.O.S. Village d’enfants, Association Ashghalouna, Association LIBAMI, Association Chabeb Sour, Fondation Al- Tawarek, Orphelinat Soeurs Dominicaines de Sainte Catherine, Orphelinat Saint Charbel des Sœurs des Saint Cœurs, Association des femmes de Tarik El- Jdideh, Dispensary Eglise Saydet An Niyah, Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, for foodstuff
- Centre médico-social Notre-Dame de Lourdes, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Saint-Joseph Damour and Makassed dispensary, for medicine. The Group has long been a supporter of Lebanon’s economy through the development of its shipping & logistics activities, investments in innovative technologies and cooperation with major Lebanese universities. With “CMA CGM SUPPORTS LEBANON”, today, the Group reiterates more than ever, its commitment to engage with the Lebanese community by focusing on projects with direct social and economic impact.