Beirut,Lebanon,January2015: alfa, managed byOrascom Telecom, announced that it haslaunchedin collaborationwith BLOM Banka newand uniqueofferallowing alfa postpaidsubscriberstobuy the latestsmartphonesin 6 to 12-month easy installmentsat a 0% interest rate withoutany down payment.
Postpaid subscribers cancheck out the terms and conditions by visiting anyalfa storebranch. Themonthly payment for the smartphone will beautomatically addedto thesubscribers’ monthly invoice.
alfa CEO and ChairmanMarwanHayek commented:“alfaconstantly seeksto offer its subscribersconvenientoffersthat enablethemto keep abreast oftechnological developments, whiletaking into accounttheir purchasing power.This offer comes in this context allowing our subscribers tobuy the latestsmartphonesin interest-free easy installments.” He added,“While alfacontinues to modernize and developits network,it has achieved exceptionalpenetrationrates. Thenumber of data subscribers has increased by380% since2012, reaching1.1 million subscriberswhomake up 60% of the total subscriber base. It is no secretthat theLebaneseare enthusiastic abouttechnological innovations, as the rate ofsmartphonepenetrationon the alfa networkhas reached76%.Weconstantlystrive tokeep up withthese customers’ needsthroughnew offers, similar to this unique offer,thusmaking latest technologies accessible to oursubscribers.”