AIMS and Allianz SNA honored the INDEVCO Industrial Group, represented by its CEO, the engineer Neemat G. Frem, for 35 years of Trust and Loyalty, during a ceremony at Allianz SNA’s headquarters held on 17 April 2018, in the presence of the press and the Management and team of AIMS and Allianz SNA.
Throughout the ceremony, Mr. Frem presented the most important milestones of INDEVCO’s success story in Lebanon and around the world, stressing on the key success factors and values of the group.
During an interactive discussion with the audience, the engineer Frem stated that the real value of every work or initiative in various fields, resides in its final outcome.
How about when it’s for People and public interest?!
He also mentioned that his project aspires for economic growth coupled with social protection in the purpose of the People and their dignity through “A better Lebanon”